Friday, August 8, 2008

Border Patrol Agents - "It does seem like the government overreacted here..." Presiding Judge Jolly

A quick summary for those not familiar with this story...

Two former US Border Patrol Agents, one of whom shot an allegedly unarmed illegal alien and drug smuggler on the US/Mexico border, were convicted of causing serious bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence, and a civil rights violation. One agent was sentenced to prison for 12 years, the other 11 years.

Aldrete Dávila, the "victim", had been found with nearly 800 pounds of marijuana in the back of his van. He then fought with these agents and ran. Following the incident, he was granted a temporary conditional visitors visa (and immunity) in exchange for giving his testimony against Ramos and Compean, as well as his medical bills were all paid by our government. He was later caught and convicted for additional drug smuggling and sentenced to prison for 9.5 years.

These two men have been in prison for over 560 days now, and while they continue to fight through the court system, they were moved to solitary confinement due to beatings they were receiving from fellow inmates. There family has lost their health insurance and had to declare bankruptcy.

Some of the controversy surrounding this case was due to alleged tampering of evidence and attempted cover up of the shooting; however, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the obstruction of justice sentence, but allowed the remainder to stay, even after the presiding judge indicated, "it does seem like the government overreacted here...".

At this point, they can appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. If that fails, President Bush is the only person who could shorten their sentences. The president has shown little interest in the case.

Watch this video for more information:

What can you do?
1. Call/email your federal representative and demand they support HR 6367, which amends Title 18 of the US Code 924c, introduced by Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas. Here is the bill for you to read:

2. Call/email President Bush and ask for their sentence to be pardoned or commuted!

"There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people." Hubert Humphrey

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